Source code for

"""This module provides general methods needed by the ParamSpan and ParamSpace

    log: The local logger instance
    SKIP: A global :py:class:`` object to signify a Skip
        operation in the ``recursive_*`` functions. Not supported everywhere.

import collections
import logging
import warnings
from typing import Callable, Iterator, List, Mapping, Sequence, Tuple, Union

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Small helper classes and functions

# Initialize a global Skip object, simplifying calls and detection.
SKIP = Skip()

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs]def recursive_contains( obj: Union[Mapping, Sequence], *, keys: Sequence ) -> bool: """Checks whether the given keysequence is reachable in the ``obj``. Args: obj (Union[Mapping, Sequence]): The object to check recursively keys (Sequence): The sequence of keys to check for Returns: bool: Whether the key sequence is reachable """ if len(keys) > 1: # Check and continue recursion if keys[0] in obj: return recursive_contains(obj[keys[0]], keys=keys[1:]) # else: not available return False # else: reached the end of the recursion return keys[0] in obj
[docs]def recursive_getitem(obj: Union[Mapping, Sequence], *, keys: Sequence): """Go along the sequence of ``keys`` through ``obj`` and return the target item. Args: obj (Union[Mapping, Sequence]): The object to get the item from keys (Sequence): The sequence of keys to follow Returns: The target item from ``obj``, specified by ``keys`` Raises: IndexError: If any index in the key sequence was not available KeyError: If any key in the key sequence was not available """ # Define some error format strings keyerr_fstr = "No such key '{}' of key sequence {} is available in {}." idxerr_fstr = "No such index '{}' of key sequence {} is available in {}." if len(keys) > 1: # Check and continue recursion try: return recursive_getitem(obj[keys[0]], keys=keys[1:]) except KeyError as err: raise KeyError(keyerr_fstr.format(keys[0], keys, obj)) from err except IndexError as err: raise IndexError(idxerr_fstr.format(keys[0], keys, obj)) from err else: # reached the end of the recursion try: return obj[keys[0]] except KeyError as err: raise KeyError(keyerr_fstr.format(keys[0], keys, obj)) from err except IndexError as err: raise IndexError(idxerr_fstr.format(keys[0], keys, obj)) from err
[docs]def recursive_update( obj: Union[Mapping, List], upd: Union[Mapping, List], *, try_list_conversion: bool = False, no_convert: Sequence[type] = (str,), ) -> Union[Mapping, List]: """Recursively update items in ``obj`` with the values from ``upd``. Be aware that objects are not copied from ``upd`` to ``obj``, but only assigned. This means: - the given ``obj`` will be changed in place - changing mutable elements in ``obj`` will also change them in `upd` After the update, `obj` holds all entries of `upd` plus those that it did not have in common with `upd`. If recursion is possible is determined by type; it is only done for types mappings (dicts) or lists. To indicate that a value in a list should not be updated, an instance of the tools.Skip class, e.g. the tools.SKIP object, can be passed instead. Args: obj (Union[Mapping, List]): The object to update. upd (Union[Mapping, List]): The object to use for updating. try_list_conversion (bool, optional): If true, it is tried to convert an entry in ``obj`` to a list if it is a list in ``upd`` no_convert (Sequence[type], optional): For these types, conversion is skipped and an empty list is generated instead. Returns: Union[Mapping, List]: The updated ``obj`` """ # Distinguish the cases where `upd` is a mapping and a list if isinstance(upd, # Check if the target object is of the correct type if not isinstance(obj, # Discard the old object and use a dict instead obj = dict() # Go over the items of `upd` and ensure that they will be set. for key, val in upd.items(): # The target object is already a mapping. # Can now either recurse or set the value, depending on val if isinstance(val, (, list)): obj[key] = recursive_update( obj.get(key, {}), val, try_list_conversion=try_list_conversion, no_convert=no_convert, ) # NOTE the .get also creates an empty mapping, if needed else: obj[key] = val return obj elif isinstance(upd, list): # Ensure that the target object is also a list if not isinstance(obj, list): if not try_list_conversion or isinstance(obj, no_convert): # Discard the whole list and start with an empty one obj = list() else: # Try conversion, falling back to list if this fails try: obj = list(obj) except Exception as err: warnings.warn( f"Could not convert object of type {type(obj)} " f"to a list, got {err.__class__.__name__}:{err}.\n" f"Using empty list instead.", UserWarning, ) # Ditch the list obj = list() # It is now ensured that `obj` is a list # Need to check that there are enough elements in the `obj` list if len(obj) < len(upd): obj += [None for _ in range(len(upd) - len(obj))] # Go over the items of `upd` and ensure that they will be set. for idx, val in enumerate(upd): # Option to skip this value if isinstance(val, Skip): continue # Determine whether recursion needs to start/continue if isinstance(val, (, list)): # Continue recursion obj[idx] = recursive_update( obj[idx], val, try_list_conversion=try_list_conversion, no_convert=no_convert, ) # NOTE it was ensured above that this element is available else: obj[idx] = val return obj
# else: this case is logically impossible
[docs]def recursive_setitem( d: dict, *, keys: Tuple[str], val, create_key: bool = False ): """Recursively goes through dict-like ``d`` along the ``keys`` sequence in keys and sets the value to the child entry. Args: d (dict): The dict-like object to invoke setitem on keys (tuple): The key sequence pointing to the node to set the value of val: The value to set at ``d[the][key][sequence]`` create_key (bool, optional): Whether to create the key if it does not already exist. Default: ``False``. Raises: KeyError: On missing entry at ``keys``. """ if len(keys) > 1: # Check and continue recursion if keys[0] in d: recursive_setitem( d=d[keys[0]], keys=keys[1:], val=val, create_key=create_key ) else: if create_key: d[keys[0]] = {} recursive_setitem( d=d[keys[0]], keys=keys[1:], val=val, create_key=create_key ) else: raise KeyError( f"No key '{keys[0]}' found in dict {d}; if it should be " f"created, set create_key argument to True." ) else: # reached the end of the recursion d[keys[0]] = val
[docs]def recursive_collect( obj: Union[Mapping, Sequence], *, select_func: Callable, prepend_info: Sequence = None, info_func: Callable = None, stop_recursion_types: Sequence[type] = None, _parent_keys: tuple = None, ) -> list: """Go recursively through a mapping or sequence and collect selected elements. The ``select_func`` is called on each value. If it returns ``True``, that value will be collected to a list, which is returned at the end. Additionally, some information can be gathered about these elements, controlled by ``prepend_info``. With ``prepend_info``, information can be prepended to the return value. Then, not only the values but also these additional items can be gathered: - ``keys`` : prepends the key - ``info_func`` : prepends the return value of ``info_func(val)`` The resulting return value is then a list of tuples (in that order). Args: obj (Union[Mapping, Sequence]): The object to recursively search select_func (Callable): Each element is passed to this function; if True is returned, the element is collected and search ends here. prepend_info (Sequence, optional): If given, additional info about the selected elements can be gathered in two ways: 1. By passing ``keys``, the sequence of keys to get to this element is appended; 2. by passing ``info_func``, the ``info_func`` function is called on the argument and that value is added to the information tuple. info_func (Callable, optional): The function used to prepend info stop_recursion_types (Sequence[type], optional): Can specify types here that will not be further recursed through. NOTE that strings are never recursed through further. _parent_keys (tuple, optional): Used to track the keys; not public! Returns: list: the collected elements, as selected by select_func(val) or -- if ``prepend_info`` was set -- tuples of ``(info, element)``, where the requested information is in the first entries of the tuple Raises: ValueError: Raised if invalid ``prepend_info`` entries were set """ # Return value list coll = [] # Compile the list of types that should not be recursed further if not stop_recursion_types: # Specify the types that should never be further recursed stop_recursion_types = (str,) else: # Assure that strings are never recursed further if str not in stop_recursion_types: stop_recursion_types = (str,) + stop_recursion_types # Now go through all values for key, val in get_key_val_iter(obj): # Generate the tuple of parent keys... for this iterator of the loop if _parent_keys is None: these_keys = (key,) else: these_keys = _parent_keys + (key,) # Apply the select_func and, depending on return, continue recursion # or not if select_func(val): # found the desired element # Distinguish cases where information is prepended and where not if not prepend_info: entry = val else: entry = (val,) # Loop over the keys to prepend in reversed order (such that # the order of the given tuple is not inverted) for info in reversed(prepend_info): if info in ["key", "keys", "keyseq", "keysequence"]: entry = (these_keys,) + entry elif info in ["info_func"]: entry = (info_func(val),) + entry else: raise ValueError( f"No such `prepend_info` entry implemented: {info}" ) # Add it to the return list coll.append(entry) elif not isinstance(val, stop_recursion_types) and is_iterable(val): # Not the desired element, but recursion possible ... coll += recursive_collect( val, select_func=select_func, prepend_info=prepend_info, info_func=info_func, stop_recursion_types=stop_recursion_types, _parent_keys=these_keys, ) # else: is something that cannot be selected and cannot be further # recursed ... return coll
[docs]def recursive_replace( obj: Union[Mapping, Sequence], *, select_func: Callable, replace_func: Callable, stop_recursion_types: Sequence[type] = None, ) -> Union[Mapping, Sequence]: """Go recursively through a mapping or sequence and call a replace function on each element that the select function returned true on. For passing arguments to any of the two, use lambda functions. Args: cont (Union[Mapping, Sequence]): The object to walk through recursively select_func (Callable): The function that each value is passed to. If it returns ``True``, the element will be replaced using the ``replace_func``. replace_func (Callable): Called if the ``select_func`` returned True. The return value replaces the existing object at the selected position inside ``obj``. stop_recursion_types (Sequence[type], optional): Can specify types here that will not be further recursed through. NOTE that strings are never recursed through further. Returns: Union[Mapping, Sequence]: The updated mapping where each element that was selected was replaced by the return value of the replacement function. """ def replace(ms, *, key, replace_by): """Try to replace the entry; catch exception""" try: ms[key] = replace_by except TypeError as err: raise TypeError( f"Failed to replace element via item assignment; probably " f"because given container type ({type(ms)}) was not mutable " f"for key '{key}'." ) from err # Compile the list of types that should not be recursed further if not stop_recursion_types: # Specify the types that should never be further recursed stop_recursion_types = (str,) else: # Assure that strings are never recursed further if str not in stop_recursion_types: stop_recursion_types = (str,) + stop_recursion_types # Go through all items for key, val in get_key_val_iter(obj): if select_func(val): # found the desired element -> replace by the value returned from # the replace_func replace(obj, key=key, replace_by=replace_func(val)) elif not isinstance(val, stop_recursion_types) and is_iterable(val): # Not the desired element, but recursion possible ... replace( obj, key=key, replace_by=recursive_replace( val, select_func=select_func, replace_func=replace_func, stop_recursion_types=stop_recursion_types, ), ) # else: was not selected and cannot be further recursed, thus: stays # the same return obj
[docs]def recursively_sort_dict(d: dict) -> collections.OrderedDict: """Recursively sorts a dictionary by its keys, transforming it to an OrderedDict in the process. From: Args: d (dict): The dictionary to be sorted Returns: OrderedDict: the recursively sorted dict """ # Start with empty ordered dict for this recursion level res = collections.OrderedDict() # Fill it with the values from the dictionary for k, v in sorted(d.items()): if isinstance(v, dict): res[k] = recursively_sort_dict(v) else: res[k] = v return res
# Helpers ---------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def is_iterable(obj) -> bool: """Whether the given object is iterable or not. This is tested simply by invoking ``iter(obj)`` and returning ``False`` if this operation raises a TypeError. Args: obj: The object to test Returns: bool: True if iterable, False else """ try: iter(obj) except TypeError: return False return True
[docs]def get_key_val_iter(obj: Union[Mapping, Sequence]) -> Iterator: """Given an object -- assumed dict- or sequence-like -- returns a ``(key, value)`` iterator. Args: obj (Union[Mapping, Sequence]): The object to generate the key-value iterator from Returns: Iterator: An iterator that emits ``(key, value)`` tuples """ # Distinguish different ways of iterating over it if hasattr(obj, "items") and callable(obj.items): # assume it is dict-like return obj.items() # assume sequence-like return enumerate(obj)