paramspace.yaml_constructors module#

Defines the yaml constructors for the generation of ParamSpace and ParamDim during loading of YAML files.

paramspace.yaml_constructors.pspace_unsorted(loader, node) paramspace.paramspace.ParamSpace[source]#

yaml constructor for creating a ParamSpace object from a mapping.

Unlike the regular constructor, this one does NOT sort the input before instantiating ParamSpace.

paramspace.yaml_constructors.pdim(loader, node) paramspace.paramdim.ParamDim[source]#

constructor for creating a ParamDim object from a mapping, but only return the default value.

paramspace.yaml_constructors.coupled_pdim(loader, node) paramspace.paramdim.ParamDim[source]#

constructor for creating a ParamDim object from a mapping, but only return the default value.

paramspace.yaml_constructors.pdim_default(loader, node) paramspace.paramdim.ParamDim[source]#

constructor for creating a ParamDim object from a mapping, but only return the default value.

paramspace.yaml_constructors.coupled_pdim_default(loader, node) paramspace.paramdim.CoupledParamDim[source]#

Constructor for creating a CoupledParamDim object from a mapping, but only return the default value.


This can only be used for coupled parameter dimensions that do not rely on the coupling target for their default value.

paramspace.yaml_constructors._pspace_constructor(loader, node, sort_if_mapping: bool = True, Cls=<class 'paramspace.paramspace.ParamSpace'>) paramspace.paramspace.ParamSpace[source]#

Constructor for instantiating ParamSpace from a mapping or a sequence

paramspace.yaml_constructors._pdim_constructor(loader, node, *, Cls=<class 'paramspace.paramdim.ParamDim'>, default_order: typing.Optional[float] = None) paramspace.paramdim.ParamDimBase[source]#

Constructor for creating a ParamDim object from a mapping

For it to be incorported into a ParamSpace, one parent (or higher) of this node needs to be tagged such that the pspace_constructor is invoked.